Plants 1m and Under

Discover an exceptional selection of premium plants that grow under 1.0m on the Sunshine Coast. Perfect for small gardens, patios, and indoor spaces, Pots etc. our range includes quality healthy plants that we grow well on the Sunshine Coast, lush foliage, and hardy plants. Plants are grown in Full sun and are ready to go straight into the ground and your next gardening project. Visit us today to find the perfect addition to your garden!




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Alternanthera Little Ruby

Alternanthera Little Ruby

Description: Alternanthera 'Little Ruby', commonly known as Little Ruby Alternanthera, is a striking evergreen groundcover prized for its vibrant, deep burgundy foliage. This compact plant is particularly valued for its colorful foliage and low-maintenance nature, making it an excellent choice for garden beds, borders, and containers. Flowers: Blooms: The plant produces small, inconspicuous white flowers in summer. While the flowers are not significant for ornamental value, they add a delicate touch to the foliage. Fragrance: The flowers have no notable fragrance. Foliage: Leaves: The leaves are small, oval, and deep burgundy to dark purple, providing a rich and vibrant appearance year-round. The foliage's intense color makes it a standout in any garden setting. Seasonal Color: The foliage maintains its deep burgundy color throughout the year, adding continuous visual interest. Fruit: Fruit: The plant rarely produces noticeable fruit. The primary ornamental value lies in its foliage. Form and Size: Size: Typically grows 30-40 cm tall and 60-90 cm wide, forming a dense, low-growing mat. Habit: Low-growing and spreading, making it suitable for various landscape uses as a groundcover or in mixed plantings. Growing Conditions: Climate: Thrives in tropical to subtropical climates and is suitable for various regions in Australia. It can tolerate light frosts but prefers warmer conditions. Soil: Prefers well-draining, fertile soils but can adapt to a variety of soil types, including sandy and loamy soils. Avoid waterlogged conditions. Sunlight: Best grown in full sun to partial shade. Full sun promotes the best foliage color, while partial shade is tolerated. Watering: Regular watering during the establishment phase is crucial. Once established, it benefits from consistent moisture but can tolerate short periods of drought. Uses: Groundcover: Highly valued as a groundcover for its low, spreading habit and vibrant foliage. Borders and Edging: Ideal for creating colorful borders and edging in garden beds. Containers: Perfect for pots and containers, adding a splash of color to patios, balconies, and small gardens. Mixed Plantings: Suitable for mixed plantings and garden beds, providing a contrasting color to green-leaved plants. Maintenance: Pruning: Trim back occasionally to maintain shape and encourage bushier growth. Pinching back tips promotes denser foliage. Fertilizing: Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in early spring to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage color. Pests and Diseases: Generally pest and disease-resistant. Monitor for common pests such as aphids and spider mites. Good air circulation and proper watering practices help prevent fungal diseases. Notes: Hardiness: Hardy in USDA zones 9-11. In cooler regions of Australia, provide protection from severe frost to prevent damage to new growth. Companion Plants: Pair with other colorful perennials and annuals such as coleus, petunias, and marigolds to create a vibrant and diverse garden display. Propagation: Propagate by softwood cuttings in spring or by division. Alternanthera 'Little Ruby' Common Name: Little Ruby Alternanthera Botanical Name: Alternanthera dentata 'Little Ruby' Family: Amaranthaceae Origin: Native to Central and South America, cultivated variety of Alternanthera

Regular price $12.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 AUD
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Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow

Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow

Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow Grows approx 50cm High x 50cm Wide in Full Sun  Distinct foliage that changes with the seasons Year-round foliage interest As tough as they come - sun, frost, wind: the lot! Euphorbia ‘Ascot Rainbow’ is a favourite the world over. Internationally recognised with an 'Award of Garden Merit' from the prestigious Royal Horticultural Society in the UK, this hardy shrub was selected for its distinctive foliage which changes with the seasons. The foliage displays tones of cream, green and blue merging to stunning red and pink colouring throughout the cooler months of the year. Spikes of flowers in a blend of cream, lime and green appear from late winter through spring. 'Ascot Rainbow' offers extreme tolerance for the hot and dry conditions experienced by Mediterranean gardeners around the world, but can also happily survives frosts, and even snow coverings, as pictured. It truly is a variety for all conditions. With no known pests or diseases and stunning foliage colour throughout the year being highlighted in cooler months of winter. ‘Ascot Rainbow’ with all its attributes is a true performer for the modern garden and landscape. Care Low water requirements. 'Ascot Rainbow' is dry tolerant once established. Plant in most soil types that have good drainage. Euphorbias do not like wet feet. Feed in spring with a slow release fertiliser for optimum results. Pruning generally not required although cutting back spent flower stems to base will encourage a bushier habit. Take care to avoid skin contact with the milky sap as it can be irritating to some - wear gloves and dispose of cuttings. CAUTION - Harmful if eaten/skin & eye irritant. Suggested uses Striking container displays for winter and spring as well as garden plantings Small gardens, patios and courtyards, dry or gravel style gardens or xeriscaping Adding a mediterranean feel to your garden or sunny herbaceous border Year round interest from foliage colour - ideal for structure in perennial borders Coastal regions 

Regular price From $14.95 AUD
Regular price Sale price From $14.95 AUD
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Euphorbia Silver Swan

Euphorbia Silver Swan

Euphorbia Silver Swan Grows approx 75cm High x 75cm Wide and in Full Sun & Part Shade Beautiful tones of light green and cream Year-round foliage interest As tough as they come - sun, frost, wind: the lot! Euphorbia Silver Swan = 'Wilcott' is a striking architectural delight. Its variegated foliage of grey-green is highlighted with silvery edging year round. This is a variety that will add structure and interest in any setting. A sure show stopper. From late winter through to spring, stunning displays of creamy coloured flower spikes cover the plant. Evergreen and hardy, without any special needs. Care Low water requirements. Dry tolerant once established. Plant in most soil types that have good drainage. Euphorbias do not like wet feet. Feed-in spring with a slow-release fertiliser for optimum results. Pruning is generally not required although cutting back spent flower stems to base will encourage a bushier habit. Take care to avoid skin contact with the milky sap as it can be irritating to some - wear gloves and dispose of cuttings. CAUTION - Harmful if eaten/skin & eye irritant. be irritating to some - wear gloves and dispose of cuttings. CAUTION Harmful if eaten/skin & eye irritant Suggested uses Container displays, small gardens, patios and courtyards  Adding Mediterranean feel to gardens and their unusual colours work well to accent other plants around them Coastal regions Commercial landscapes Its hardy nature and minimal water requirements lend it to dry or gravel style gardens or xeriscaping  

Regular price $14.95 AUD
Regular price Sale price $14.95 AUD
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Evolvulus Pillosus - "Blue Eyes"

Evolvulus Pillosus - "Blue Eyes"

Description: Evolvulus pilosus 'Blue Eyes', commonly known as Blue Eyes or Dwarf Morning Glory, is a charming evergreen perennial prized for its vibrant blue flowers and silvery-green foliage. This groundcover plant is particularly valued for its low-growing, spreading habit, making it an excellent choice for garden beds, borders, and containers. Flowers: Blooms: The plant produces a profusion of small, bright blue, funnel-shaped flowers with a white center. Blooms appear from late spring through autumn, adding a splash of color to the garden. Fragrance: The flowers have no notable fragrance but are highly ornamental. Foliage: Leaves: The leaves are small, oval, and covered with fine hairs, giving them a silvery-green appearance. The foliage provides a soft texture and attractive backdrop to the vibrant flowers. Seasonal Color: The foliage maintains its silvery-green color year-round, with flowers adding seasonal interest. Fruit: Fruit: The plant produces small, inconspicuous seed capsules. These are generally not significant for ornamental value. Form and Size: Size: Typically grows 15-30 cm tall and 60-90 cm wide, forming a low, spreading mat. Habit: Low-growing and spreading, making it suitable for various landscape uses as a groundcover or in hanging baskets. Growing Conditions: Climate: Thrives in temperate to subtropical climates and is suitable for various regions in Australia. It can tolerate light frosts but prefers warmer conditions. Soil: Prefers well-draining, fertile soils but can adapt to a variety of soil types, including sandy and loamy soils. Avoid waterlogged conditions. Sunlight: Best grown in full sun to partial shade. Full sun promotes the best flowering and foliage color, while partial shade is tolerated. Watering: Regular watering during the establishment phase is crucial. Once established, it benefits from consistent moisture but can tolerate short periods of drought. Uses: Groundcover: Highly valued as a groundcover for its low, spreading habit and vibrant flowers. Borders and Edging: Ideal for creating colorful borders and edging in garden beds. Containers: Perfect for pots, containers, and hanging baskets, adding a splash of color to patios, balconies, and small gardens. Rock Gardens: Suitable for rock gardens and other low-water landscapes due to its drought tolerance. Maintenance: Pruning: Trim back occasionally to maintain shape and encourage bushier growth. Remove spent flowers to promote continuous blooming. Fertilizing: Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in early spring to promote healthy growth and abundant flowering. Pests and Diseases: Generally pest and disease-resistant. Monitor for common pests such as aphids and spider mites. Good air circulation and proper watering practices help prevent fungal diseases. Notes: Hardiness: Hardy in USDA zones 9-11. In cooler regions of Australia, provide protection from severe frost to prevent damage to new growth. Companion Plants: Pair with other low-growing perennials and annuals such as gazanias, portulacas, and marigolds to create a vibrant and diverse garden display. Propagation: Propagate by softwood cuttings in spring or by seed. Evolvulus pilosus 'Blue Eyes' Common Name: Blue Eyes, Dwarf Morning Glory Botanical Name: Evolvulus pilosus 'Blue Eyes' Family: Convolvulaceae Origin: Native to Brazil, cultivated variety of Evolvulus

Regular price $10.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 AUD
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Rhaphiolepis indica Snow Maiden

Rhaphiolepis indica Snow Maiden

Description: Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow Maiden', commonly known as Snow Maiden Indian Hawthorn, is an evergreen shrub prized for its compact form, attractive foliage, and profusion of white flowers. This cultivar is particularly valued for its hardiness and ornamental appeal, making it an excellent choice for gardens, borders, and containers. Flowers: Blooms: The shrub produces clusters of small, pure white flowers in late winter to early spring. These blossoms add a fresh and elegant touch to the garden and are highly attractive to pollinators. Fragrance: The flowers have a light, pleasant fragrance. Foliage: Leaves: The leaves are glossy, dark green, and leathery, providing a rich backdrop to the flowers. New growth emerges with a bronze tint, adding seasonal interest. Seasonal Color: The foliage maintains its deep green color year-round, with new growth showing a bronzy-red hue. Fruit: Fruit: Small, blue-black berries develop after the flowering period, adding further ornamental interest. These berries are generally not significant but can provide food for birds. Form and Size: Size: Typically grows 0.75-1 meter tall and wide, forming a dense, rounded shape. Habit: Compact and bushy with a well-branched structure, making it suitable for various landscape uses. Growing Conditions: Climate: Thrives in temperate to subtropical climates and is suitable for various regions in Australia. It can tolerate light frosts and coastal conditions. Soil: Prefers well-draining, fertile soils but can adapt to a variety of soil types, including sandy and loamy soils. Avoid waterlogged conditions. Sunlight: Best grown in full sun to partial shade to ensure robust growth and vibrant foliage color. Watering: Regular watering during the establishment phase is crucial. Once established, it benefits from consistent moisture but can tolerate some drought. Uses: Ornamental Shrub: Highly valued as an ornamental shrub for its attractive foliage and prolific white flowers. Hedges and Borders: Ideal for creating low hedges, borders, and foundation plantings due to its dense growth habit. Containers: Suitable for growing in containers, making it a versatile choice for patios and small gardens. Accent Plant: Can be used as an accent plant in larger landscapes or mixed borders. Maintenance: Pruning: Prune after flowering to maintain shape and remove dead or diseased wood. Light pruning encourages bushier growth and enhances the plant’s appearance. Fertilizing: Apply a balanced fertilizer in early spring to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage color. Pests and Diseases: Generally resistant to many pests and diseases. Monitor for aphids, scale insects, and fungal diseases, especially in humid conditions. Notes: Hardiness: Hardy in USDA zones 8-10. In cooler regions of Australia, provide protection from severe frost to prevent damage to new growth. Companion Plants: Pair with other evergreen shrubs and perennials, such as loropetalums and heucheras, to create a vibrant and colorful garden display. Propagation: Propagate by semi-hardwood cuttings in summer or by seed. Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow Maiden' Common Name: Snow Maiden Indian Hawthorn Botanical Name: Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow Maiden' Family: Rosaceae Origin: Cultivated variety of Rhaphiolepis indica

Regular price From $12.95 AUD
Regular price Sale price From $12.95 AUD
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Rhaphiolepis Oriental Pink

Rhaphiolepis Oriental Pink

Description: Rhaphiolepis indica 'Oriental Pink', commonly known as Oriental Pink Indian Hawthorn, is an evergreen shrub admired for its compact form, attractive foliage, and delicate pink flowers. This hardy and low-maintenance plant is particularly valued for its year-round interest and versatility in the landscape, making it an excellent choice for garden beds, borders, and containers. Flowers: Blooms: The plant produces clusters of small, pink, star-shaped flowers in late winter to early spring. The blooms are showy and attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Fragrance: The flowers have a light, pleasant fragrance. Foliage: Leaves: The leaves are leathery, dark green, and glossy, providing a lush appearance year-round. New growth often has a reddish tint, adding to the plant's visual interest. Seasonal Color: The foliage remains dark green throughout the year, with new growth providing seasonal color. Fruit: Fruit: The plant produces small, bluish-black berries in late summer to autumn. These berries are attractive to birds but are not typically significant for ornamental value. Form and Size: Size: Typically grows 1-1.5 meters tall and wide, forming a compact, rounded shape. Habit: Upright and bushy with a well-branched structure, making it suitable for various landscape uses. Growing Conditions: Climate: Thrives in temperate to subtropical climates and is suitable for various regions in Australia. It can tolerate light frosts and coastal conditions. Soil: Prefers well-draining, fertile soils but can adapt to a variety of soil types, including sandy and loamy soils. Avoid waterlogged conditions. Sunlight: Best grown in full sun to partial shade. Full sun promotes the best growth and flowering, while partial shade is tolerated. Watering: Regular watering during the establishment phase is crucial. Once established, it benefits from consistent moisture but is drought-tolerant. Uses: Ornamental Shrub: Highly valued as an ornamental shrub for its attractive flowers and foliage. Hedges and Screening: Ideal for creating low to medium hedges, borders, and screens due to its dense growth habit. Containers: Suitable for growing in containers, adding a touch of color to patios, balconies, and small gardens. Coastal Gardens: Perfect for coastal gardens due to its salt tolerance. Maintenance: Pruning: Prune lightly after flowering to maintain shape and encourage bushier growth. Regular pruning helps keep the plant tidy and promotes healthy new growth. Fertilizing: Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in early spring to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage. Pests and Diseases: Generally resistant to many pests and diseases. Monitor for common pests such as aphids and spider mites. Good air circulation and proper watering practices help prevent fungal diseases. Notes: Hardiness: Hardy in USDA zones 8-10. In cooler regions of Australia, provide protection from severe frost to prevent damage to new growth. Companion Plants: Pair with other evergreen shrubs and perennials, such as camellias, gardenias, and azaleas, to create a harmonious and visually appealing garden display. Propagation: Propagate by semi-hardwood cuttings in summer or by seed. Rhaphiolepis 'Oriental Pink' Common Name: Oriental Pink Indian Hawthorn Botanical Name: Rhaphiolepis indica 'Oriental Pink' Family: Rosaceae Origin: Native to Asia, cultivated variety of Rhaphiolepis indica

Regular price $16.95 AUD
Regular price Sale price $16.95 AUD
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Tulbaghia Galaxy

Tulbaghia Galaxy

Description Tulbaghia Galaxy is a hardy, clump-forming perennial known for its attractive, grass-like foliage and clusters of star-shaped, mauve-pink flowers. It is a vigorous grower, adding a splash of color and texture to garden borders, rock gardens, and containers. Flowers The flowers are small, star-shaped, and a lovely mauve-pink color, appearing in clusters on long, slender stems. They bloom from late spring to autumn, providing a long-lasting display. The flowers are lightly fragrant and attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Foliage The foliage is narrow, strap-like, and gray-green, resembling ornamental grass. The leaves grow in a dense clump, reaching up to 30-40 cm in length. When crushed, the leaves emit a garlic-like scent, hence the common name "Society Garlic." Fruit Tulbaghia Galaxy produces small, inconspicuous seed capsules following the flowering period. The seeds can be collected for propagation, but the plant is primarily grown for its ornamental flowers and foliage. Form and Size Tulbaghia Galaxy forms a compact, clump-forming habit. It typically reaches a height of 30-45 cm and a spread of 30-60 cm. The plant has an upright growth habit with flower stems rising above the foliage. Growing Conditions Soil: Prefers well-draining, sandy or loamy soils. It can tolerate poor soils and is drought-tolerant once established. Sunlight: Thrives in full sun to partial shade. It blooms best in full sun. Water: Requires moderate watering. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings. It is drought-tolerant but performs better with regular watering. Climate: Suitable for temperate to subtropical climates. It is frost-tolerant and can survive mild winters. Uses Landscaping: Ideal for garden borders, rock gardens, and as an edging plant. It can also be used in containers and raised beds. Groundcover: Effective as a groundcover in sunny areas, providing a carpet of green foliage and colorful flowers. Ornamental: The long-lasting flowers and attractive foliage add visual interest to gardens and landscapes. Maintenance Pruning: Deadhead spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming. Cut back foliage in late winter to refresh the plant. Fertilizing: Benefits from occasional feeding with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season. Pest and Disease: Generally pest-resistant but can be susceptible to snails and slugs. Ensure good air circulation to minimize disease risk. Notes Tulbaghia Galaxy is a versatile and low-maintenance plant that adds color and texture to any garden setting. Its long blooming period and drought tolerance make it an excellent choice for water-wise gardens. Companion Plants Lavandula spp. (Lavender) Sedum spp. (Stonecrop) Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower) Salvia spp. (Sage) Common Name Tulbaghia Galaxy Botanical Name Tulbaghia violacea 'Galaxy' Family Amaryllidaceae Origin Native to South Africa

Regular price $12.95 AUD
Regular price Sale price $12.95 AUD
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